At Sush Labs we pride ourselves on the quality of our digital solutions, and one way we enable a high level of quality is by receiving continuous feedback from product managers and end-users to assist with product improvement initiatives. We’ve found that one of the easiest ways to receive continuous objective ‘feedback’ from end-users is by building Firebase Analytics into our solutions.
Firebase Analytics is an analytics tool that helps capture ‘Foot traffic’, Crashes, ‘Customer journey funnels’, ‘Lifespan periods’, and many other performance indicators. It provides product managers and analysts with tools and reports that help to show exactly who your users are and how they are interfacing with your solution.
Over the past year, our teams have been making the transition from Google Analytics to its replacement technology - Firebase Analytics; and there are some key differences:
1. Firebase Analytics is the most up-to-date analytics tool available and has been built for ‘mobile first’. Just over a year ago, it wasn’t unheard of for mobile analytics reports to be generated using a combination of different platforms with each doing a certain thing well. But now we have Firebase Analytics which combines a vast array of popular analytics and reporting tools all in one dashboard.
2. A recent addition to Firebase Analytics is Crashlytics, a crash-reporting feature for Firebase. Crashlytics used to be a separate service developed by Fabric, however, earlier this year it was acquired by Google who have integrated the product’s feature set inside Firebase. This makes it even easier for software developers to receive and analyse any crashes or error reports.
3. Firebase Analytics is based around events, rather than screen views. This means it can be configured to track exactly how users traverse through an app rather than just focusing on single screen visits. Since each solution is unique, you can fully customise exactly how each event will be triggered (i.e. when users add a shopping item to their cart) and see how often these specific events occur.
4. Another unique aspect of Firebase Analytics is the Audience feature, allowing analysts to combine complex information about users and perform in-depth analyses on customer segments. E.g. you may wish to look at users in a certain age group with the highest amount of in-app purchases. Analysts can delve into the data to pick up on useful trends, such as common interests of a certain customer segment. Firebase users are also able to provide specific notifications or in-app experiences to certain audiences – all helping to make your app feel increasingly intuitive.
Firebase analytics is a valuable and constantly evolving toolset with new features being added all the time, and Sush Mobile strongly urges all our clients to incorporate Firebase into their mobile solutions. Whether it’s a simple implementation that captures basic user information and crashes, or a more advanced implementation that includes custom tracking of certain events and customised reports. Sush Mobile is there to help you implement Firebase Analytics and make sure that you’re getting the most out of this powerful tool.
If you’d like to know more about Firebase Analytics and how it can be used in your solution, or are interested to learn more about android mobile app development or some of the advanced features that you can take advantage of, please send an email to Brett Flintoff ( and he’ll get back to you with some more information and give you a call.
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